Acorn Childcare UK
"Big things come from little acorns"
01604 415362
As the children reach their next stage of development they move to our Bluebell room. This room meets the needs of two to three year olds. The Bluebell room is designed to allow our toddlers the space and stimulation that this age group requires. We enhance and encourage newly developed physical and language skills through learning based play. This approach to developing young skills allows the children to feed their needs and interests in a very informal fashion. Children are encouraged to participate in activities throughout the session.
Some children may require a sleep throughout the day time children, this is offered after lunch and small toddler beds are provided for this. A sleep policy is available on request.
When the time is right and your child is ready for potty training, the staff work with parents/carers to encourage and establish a potty training routine. Separate bathrooms with small toilets and potties are used.
Parents receive feedback on the child’s day through verbal means and the use of notices outside the Bluebell’s room.
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage in all of our under three areas.

Early Foundation Stage Curriculum “Birth – Pre-school”
Play underpins the delivery of the activities and opportunities your child will have. Free flow is promoted throughout the baby, toddler and pre-school areas, giving opportunity to explore freely. The focus is around the prime areas
Personal, social and emotional
Physical development
Communication and language